Reversed hospital experience and my war on schistosomiasis
Back in October I was admitted to hospital, It was a strange experience as I am more used to be the carer not the caree. It was also the 1st time in my entire life (including when I was born) I have been admitted to hospital. It all started on a Monday, arguably the worst day of the week, I woke up stiff and sore all over. My throat was scratchy and I just felt generally bad. Instead of staying in bed and snuggling with the cats, I got up and went to uni. Throughout the day I felt like I was developing man-flu (that's how bad it was) however this did not prevent me from going to the cinema with the boyfriend after uni. I think I dosed off a bit and gradually felt worse. While waiting for the bus I developed rigors (shaking, exaggerated shivering) particularly in my arms, and wanted nothing more than my bed. That night I had a really bad fever and ended up sweating so much I soaked through the sheets and the mattress, which was discovered in the morning. I ached all over so badly....