
Showing posts from 2016

Diver diver are you okay?

On Monday (the 7th) the real work began, I had to do an emergency first response refresher as my certification had lapsed. The day was spent, watching a DVD, reading theory and applying it in practice scenarios. It was a lot of CPR and the like. The class room has aircon but that didn't prevent me from becoming a sweaty mess doing CPR for at least 15 minutes and then repeatedly in different situations ( like finding Angus - my instructor - on the floor with his legs up on a fallen over table and covered in chairs with the word blood written on his leg and arm) the bruises on my knees stayed for weeks. Always turn exams over...I did the first page no problem only to be told I'd answered 11 questions wrong...highly embarrassing for a trained nurse, turned out it was 1 wrong and 10 I missed on the back which I then completed. I then started the theory for the rescue diver course. Tuesday was full of fun diving. Wednesday I started rescue, the morning was spent doing theory a...


I was welcomed to the Philippines by Wilson, my lovely taxi driver, and his love of 90s pop music. The 3.5 hour  drive to Maya was soundtracked by Aqua, the Vengaboys and who ever it was who sang hey macarina! (You can dance that dance to any song FYI). The views were spectacular, the ocean was visible for the majority of the ride and when it wasn't leafy green forest areas were. The car had air-con which was lovely as it's a very humid heat, staying steady at 28 degrees most days and only dropping a few degrees when the sun goes down. Makes for a very sweaty Hemy. After a short boat ride I arrived to the beautiful island Malapascua, just in time for the interns meeting at 5. I was almost late at I could not get the padlock off my door, luckily one of the crew was with me and after struggling with it for a good 5 minutes I was in! I also got a bit lost on the way back as the island has lots of narrow passageways and I wasn't sure of what turns to make as I'd gotten a ...

Taking the Plunge

So I'm off on another adventure, this one of the aquatic variety. I'm going to a wee tropical island called Malapascua in the Philippines for an eight week Dive Master internship. I'm pretty nervous as this will be my first solo trip that involves flying and crossing borders...also because I've wanted to do this since I first scuba dived (dove?) in Egypt in 2006 (or maybe it was 2007) and fell in love with the underwater world. That first dive (well the 3 on that day) gave me a sense of calm and a great appreciation of this planet we're on, more than anything else has. Except when a tiger shark swam underneath me (quite far down), definitely didn't feel super calm then. That lead to me getting my Open Water diving certificate in 2008 - total brag but that was the only exam i've got 100% on. Unfortunately due to financial and location issues I've only done one dive since - a pier dive with my dad in 2009 in Victoria (Australia) where local boys fishing ...