
Showing posts from November, 2018’s a cyst!

So, after leaving a nightshift to go to a&e as I thought my appendix was rupturing (very different pain from endo) I’ve been diagnosed with a 4cm ovarian cyst (that’s walnut sized to help you picture it).  The doctors were nice, the nurses not so much. After almost 5 hours in a&e, in which a cannula was inserted into my arm and bloods were taken. I was told to go home and return in the morning for a CT scan to look for kidney stones. I asked if they’d scan my uterus/ovaries too as I was pretty sure it was gynae related, she said no. Luckily for me organs are pretty squished down there and my ovaries showed up on the scan anyways.  It took them a long time to offer me pain relief, the first being a diclofenac suppository (apparently that route is more effective for kidney stones). The nurse let me do it myself, which lessened my embarrassment, although F couldn’t contain his laughter when the doc told us that’s what she was prescribing. It did nothing for my pa...