
Showing posts from April, 2019


I was inspired by a tweet by Life-With-Endo to write another post about living with endometriosis (I promise I'll write about more trips...once I go on some). Everything I say is from my own account, I am not speaking for all endo-warriors. I have also learnt a lot about this condition since my original post. (Incase you don’t make it to the end...yes endo sucks but I ultimately love my life) There’s a common misconception that endo is basically extremely painful periods, this is false. The cells are not exactly the same as those that line the uterus but they are similar. They do bleed during menstruation, this is painful as the blood has nowhere to go so it just pools in different areas of the abdomen cavity. These patches of endo can be super deep in the tissue, causing scaring, fibroids and nodules. These in turn can cause pain at anytime, this can range from cramp to feeling like you’re being stabbed with a hot poker.  I have rectovaginal endo, it’s in my Pouch of...