
Showing posts from June, 2013

Leaving on a jet plane

I'm all packed. My uni assignment was completed and handed in a couple of hours ago (i'm a bit of a last minute sorta person). My kindle has 35 books on it, and six documents about HIV, for the health education workshops i'll be doing. I saw my last movie at the cinema last night, for a while. I'm getting very nervous, about the horrible flight plan and the unknown of Malawi and nursing over there. I will update this as much as possible but I'm not sure what my internet situation will be like. My brain feels all frazzled, so this may be a little disjointed. Need to leave in 45minutes so I am going to go be sociable with my mum and sisters and eat some baguette.

New to this.

I am new to blogging, so will start by introducing myself. My name is Rehema but the majority of people call me Hemy or some variation of that. I'm 22 and have a severe case of the travel bug (i blame my parents). I was born in Nairobi, Kenya where I stayed for the first few months of my life, then moved to Scotland briefly before moving on to Jumla then Kathmandu, both in Nepal. We lived in Nepal until I was eight. My parents then decided to move us to Scotland (where they are both from), where I stayed (except the odd month here and there) until I was 17. I finished secondary school the same year my eldest sister finished university, so we decided to do a round-the-world trip going to New York, Vancouver, Fiji and New Zealand before settling in Melbourne, Australia. I lived in Melbourne for 13months and then my working visa expired and I sadly had to come home, but i did manage to bring a lovely Aussie fellow with me. I started a nursing degree in 2011 and am currently in my seco...