Fiji 2009
Found an old journal and within it I wrote blog style posts while on my round the world trip so I thought I'd copy them into this blog. From Vancouver we flew to Fiji. 3rd stop - Fiji Wave of heat. Clouds of mosquitoes. Nadi Bay Hotel. Celebrating New Years with a funny/sleazy kiwi man and Sna. Creepy man in room 7 who will wait for me for sexy time - American style... wonder if he's still waiting. Cocktails. Spending three hours swimming in the pool with a German guy and an Alaskan army dude. Prim and proper frogs everywhere. First bikini waxes. Cats joining us for dinner, perching behind us on our chairs. Constant dampness from sweat, sunscreen, insect repellent, pool water, seawater and rain. One lousy fan. Anti-itch cream. The ultimate lei. Being barefoot for a solid two weeks. Sunshine at Coralview. Crab races (no. 3 always wins). Drunk Australians...Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi! Playing shithead. Comparing insect bites. Lazing in hammocks eating coconut....