Whole30 Day 4-10

To continue on with day 4 on the whole30...dinner was delicious, it helped sate the rage monster...for a short while. It then exploded, I'm lucky to be alive (not as lucky as the Aussie one to still be alive - in my defence his rage monster was just as bad). A restless, warm night ensued with little sleep and lots of tossing followed by being wide awake at 4:30...I had to be up at 5 anyway for work

That leads me onto day 5: The rage is contained. I sat next to a woman eating a banana, so loudly I was almost impressed and not once did I think about punching her in the face...that said a woman's damp jacket kept touching my bare arm on the tram and I wanted to rip it out her grasp and throw it out the window. The withdrawal headaches are settling in now, I fear the Aussie one might not make it through the night, he's currently slumped on the couch. I guess that's my cue to go make dinner (pan fried salmon, broccoli & sweet potato).

Why is food such a major feature in most TV shows?!?

Day 6: The next two days are known as the napping phase, this must be true as I slept 12 hours and could’ve slept longer. I was even dreaming within dreams (aka dreamception) I'm no longer feeling super hungry, even though we've only had two meals today (chicken omelette and mince with potatoes and capsicum). The dull headache I've had since the start has lifted. The thought of rage is too tiring to even think about...it's 20:25 and I'm ready for bed.

Day 7: I miss bread and butter. I slept soundly last night, but today I've been tired - almost fatigued - so I've spent the day reading and relaxing. We had left over chicken with some veg for breakfast. The Aussie one is about to cook steaks, prawns and veg for dinner. I'm not so much hungry as feeling weak, apparently this is normal as my body is still getting used to not having sugar to run on. I've had a couple of muscle cramps and my legs were shakey earlier. I have not been to the gym since day 2. On the plus side I feel less bloated and my bowels are working better.

Day 8: For the past 3 days, we've started the day with apple cider vinegar diluted in water. Apparent benefits include weight loss, lower cholesterol, prevents (and helps to treat) heart disease, aids digestion, boosts energy and can help get rid of hiccups (along with other things). The Aussie one's grandfather recently turned 101, he swears by apple cider vinegar, so it's worth a shot. As I'm a PM shift today, I took this morning to do some meal prep. I made a big pot of sweet potato coconut curry and cooked 4 chicken breasts, it will all hopefully last us a few meals and saves us having to cook every meal.

Day 9: This morning I was feeling a bit lethargic and lazy, I then decided to go to yoga, now I don't know if it was the apple cider vinegar or not but as soon as I got ready and left the house I was full of energy. I ended up doing a 45 minute high intensity workout after the 30 minute yoga class. Today is 37 degrees and our flat becomes like a sauna when it's hot, so we decided to go enjoy some free air con at the cinema, with a Tupperware full of chicken in tow.

Had my first cold brew coffee (black of course), it was interesting and (by the end of the smallest $5 cup) I liked it. We sat in the food court for a bit and I wasn't tempted by any of the offerings. Having a nice big iced coffee full of milk would’ve been good though.

These past two days I've been bloated and a bit backed up, this is normal with the adjustment my body is going through.

Day 10: statistically today and tomorrow are the days most likely people quit. Last night I dreamt about food, specifically it was Christmas and I was stressing out trying to figure out what we could eat (thinking on this Christmas dinner is fairly compliant), I also wanted prosecco with dinner. I was angry at myself for doing this programme over the holidays, I also bit the top of a magnum ice-cream off only to spit it out, wrapping the rest of it in cling-film and putting it back in the freezer for after I'd finished the whole30. I then couldn't decide if this counted as breaking the rules (if you break the rules and eat something non-compliant you can't just continue, you have to restart). The Aussie one has been having lots of food dreams too. Unfortunately these dreams leave us feeling on the anxious side of things so we don't even get to enjoy non-compliant food in dreams either. I guess it shows our sub-conscience is starting to change how we think about food, and we are becoming more aware of our food choices.


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